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Athlete Resources

Procedures for Care

If an athlete sustains an injury and needs medical attention:

If the Athletic Trainer (ATC) is on campus:

● Athlete can report to the Athletic Training Room, or
● Coach can call ATC to find out where they are on campus
If the ATC is not on campus:
● Coach can give athlete or athlete’s parent ATC’s contact information if urgent, otherwise instruct athlete to report to the Athletic Training room after school the following day

If an athlete sustains an injury and visits a doctor with or without ATC’s knowledge:

● Athlete is responsible for bringing paperwork from the doctor’s visit that list the athlete’s diagnosis and any activity limitations the doctor recommends to the ATC

If an athlete sustains a concussion:

● The athlete should be evaluated by the ATC initially
○ In most cases, concussions are not injuries that need to be seen in an urgent care office or an ER. The Athletic Trainer makes this call after an initial evaluation.

The Athletic Trainer, Christine, covers all home varsity and most junior varsity competitions. She arrives to the school between 2:30-3:00pm daily.

Female Athlete


Physical Therapist

Soreness vs Pain

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

What should you do if you get hurt?

Running on the Treadmill

Ankle Sprains

Young Man doing Physical Exercise

Shin Splints

Sliced Beef


Athlete Resources: Features
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